Spring Grants Awarded
In March, the Board of Directors of the Education Foundation of Fairfield Public Schools awarded 13 grants totaling $23,909.55 to district teachers and staff to support educational materials for their classrooms.
Grants awarded included Magnetic Design Board Learning Center, Daily exercise DVD’s, Two C3 Swivl with markers and iPads, Google Expedition Classroom Kit including 20 devices, 8 iPads, Document Camera, Dramatic Play Center, Guided Reading Collections for Independent Reading, K-5 Counseling Curriculum, Two Choir Risers, USB Super Drive, and Super Charged Readers.
One focus area of the Education Foundation is to raise funds to help teachers purchase items to enhance their teaching and classrooms. The steady decline in public monies for public education continues to make the Education Foundation’s purpose important each year.
The Foundation awards grant funds to district teachers in April and October of each year. The Board seeks to promote excellence in education through the use of private revenues. Information about the Foundation Board, past grants and how to make a tax-deductible contribution is available on the district’s website at or by contacting any board member.
Current board members are: Detra Dettmann, President, Doug Kuehl, Vice President, Ben Huff, Secretary, Dena Morrissey, Treasurer, Curtis Smith, Dan Breen, Jennifer Hammel, Shawn McCarty, Barry Waugh, Brent Jones and Kent Whitney. Ex-officio members are: Dr. Laurie Noll, Superintendent, Kate Van Pelt, School Board Representative, Amber Ernest, Teacher Representative, Craig Foss, Legal Counsel, and Dayna Price, Student Representative.
The Education Foundation was first established in 1997.
Grants awarded included Magnetic Design Board Learning Center, Daily exercise DVD’s, Two C3 Swivl with markers and iPads, Google Expedition Classroom Kit including 20 devices, 8 iPads, Document Camera, Dramatic Play Center, Guided Reading Collections for Independent Reading, K-5 Counseling Curriculum, Two Choir Risers, USB Super Drive, and Super Charged Readers.
One focus area of the Education Foundation is to raise funds to help teachers purchase items to enhance their teaching and classrooms. The steady decline in public monies for public education continues to make the Education Foundation’s purpose important each year.
The Foundation awards grant funds to district teachers in April and October of each year. The Board seeks to promote excellence in education through the use of private revenues. Information about the Foundation Board, past grants and how to make a tax-deductible contribution is available on the district’s website at or by contacting any board member.
Current board members are: Detra Dettmann, President, Doug Kuehl, Vice President, Ben Huff, Secretary, Dena Morrissey, Treasurer, Curtis Smith, Dan Breen, Jennifer Hammel, Shawn McCarty, Barry Waugh, Brent Jones and Kent Whitney. Ex-officio members are: Dr. Laurie Noll, Superintendent, Kate Van Pelt, School Board Representative, Amber Ernest, Teacher Representative, Craig Foss, Legal Counsel, and Dayna Price, Student Representative.
The Education Foundation was first established in 1997.
2015 Faculty Follies Video

The 2015 Faculty Follies performances can be viewed online. Click the button to view.